Ahh I finally found a page where they sell Diamond Lashes! EEEEKKK :D Yeah they are expensive but they are so cute and fabolous ^^,
The blue ones are the Diamond Lash Power series and the style: Celeb is like sold out almost everywhere! (Iwill buy them when I get my paycheck :):) ALL the upper lashes

The pink ones are the Diamond Lash First Series. And they are like very natural. So dont know if I'll buy them because I like drama! HAHA Maybe the Dolly Eye lashes because everybody likes to look like a doll right? ^^,

The purples are named Diamond Lashes Lady Series. They are VERY dramatic. Too dramatic for my taste. Draq queen-ish for my taste :) Maybe I'll try the lashes called Cat Eye. They may look little drama and a little natural :) wiwi

They can be bought at
http://ichibankao.com! They also sell Dollywink and have the newest of the new Dollywink like the mascara, eyeshadow and nail color :D