Today it is the Norwegian National Day!
Gratulerer med dagen til alle norske lesere :)!
The day was celebrated with Hubby watching the big march in Bergen center :) The weather was nice in the beginning, but soon it began to rain in real Bergen style. So people soon opened their umbrellas and it became cold. We watched a little longer until Hubby was like shivering so we walked to Bystasjonen (Mall in Bergen) and bought a cocoa ^^ Nomnom.
We later went home, and been here since :( No tivoli/funfair/amusement park like we always do :(

National costume/suit/dress - BUNAD

17.may in Oslo
Moore pics that WE took will come in a couple of days, busy busy with finals :(
Happy Norwegian National Day!
SvarSlettp.s, i love pink too ;)